Intelligent workflow systems
Funding: 1998: $52,000
1999: $49,000
2000: $51,000
Project Member(s): Hawryszkiewycz, I.
Funding or Partner Organisation: Australian Research Council (ARC Large Grant)
Start year: 1998
Summary: Workflows within organisations must satisfy process needs while fitting in with the organisational structure. The aim of this project is to construct an intelligent workflow management system. Most workflows to date have been defined in terms of a fixed organisational structure and have concentrated on process needs. This system will include organisastional knowledge thus making workflows adaptable to organisational changes. To achieve this aim we will integrate knowedge technology and computer supported cooperative technologies. The proposal will develop generalised knowledge srtuctures and primitives to define both workflows and the factors and rules which determine workflows.
Hawryszkiewycz, IT 1970, 'A metamodel for virtual enterprises', Proceedings Workshop on Information Technology for Virtual Enterprises. ITVE 2001, Workshop on Information Technology for Virtual Enterprises. ITVE 2001, IEEE Comput. Soc, Gold Coast, Queensland, pp. 91-97.
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Debenham, JK 1970, 'Reasoning and Belief Revision in an Agent for Emergent Process Management', Proceedings 12th International Conference on Industrial and Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems IEA/AIE-2000, International Conference on Industrial and Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems, Springer-Verlag, New Orleans LA USA, pp. 699-704.
Hawryszkiewycz, IT 1970, 'Knowledge networks in Administrative Systems', Working Conference on Advances in Electronic Government, IFID Trough Seminario de Informatica y Dorecujo, Zaragoza, pp. 59-76.
Debenham, JK 1998, 'Constructing An Intelligent Multi-agent Workflow System', Advanced Topics In Artificial Intelligence, vol. 1502, pp. 119-130.
Hawryszkiewycz, I & Debenham, J 1970, 'A workflow system based on agents', Database and Expert Systems Applications, 9th International Conference, DEXA '98, Vienna, Austria, August 24-28, 1998, Proceedings, International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Vienna, Austria, pp. 135-144.
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Hawryszkiewycz, IT 1970, 'A Workflow Approach to Designing Cooperative Systems', Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on the Design of Cooperative Systems (COOP '98), Cannes, France, pp. 165-174.
FOR Codes: Application tools and system utilities, Information Systems and Technologies n.e.c., Information Systems Management