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Sydney's ethnic diversity and the 2000 Olympic Games: Spatial and ethnic dimensions of employment, skills training, tourism and productive diversity.

Funding: 1998: $172,757

Project Member(s): Collins, J.

Funding or Partner Organisation: NSW TAFE (NSW TAFE Project)
Australian Research Council (ARC SPIRT (Strategic Partnerships with Industry Re)
Ethnic Communities' Council of NSW (Ethnic Communities' Council of NSW Inc Partner Funds)
EMD Workforce Development (EMD Workforce Development Partner Funds)
NSW Ethnic Affairs Commission (NSW Ethnic Affairs Commission (Project))

Start year: 1998

Summary: Sydney is Australia's most cosmopolitan global city. Over half of Sydney's people are first or second generation immigrants. This collaborative three-year study will investigate the complex economic, educational, social, political and cultural dimensions of the links between SYdney's ethnic diversity and the 2000 Olympic Games. The research question is: What will be the impact of the Games on Sydney's NESB peoples and, in turn, the impact of Sydney's NESB peoples - and their community organisations - on the Games? It will investigate spatial dimensions of cultural diversity and tourism, marketing, employment, education and training, and productive diversity.


Collins, J, Castillo, A & Reid, CG 2001, Cosmopolitan Sydney (Chinese Edition), Pluto Press, Sydney, Australia.

Collins, J, Childs, T, Mondello, L & Breheny, J 2001, Cosmopolitan Melbourne: Exploring the World in One City, Big Box Publishing, Sydney, Australia.

Collins, J & Castillo, A 1999, Cosmopolitan Sydney: Explore the World in One City, 1, Comerford & Miller, UK.

FOR Codes: Migration, Migrant development and welfare, Economic Geography, Race and Ethnic Relations, SOCIAL SCIENCES, Education and training