Modelling the Choices of Individuals
Funding: 2003: $60,000
2004: $62,000
2005: $75,000
Project Member(s): Street, D.
Funding or Partner Organisation: Australian Research Council (ARC Discovery Projects)
Start year: 2003
Summary: Individuals make decisions daily and some of these decisions have wide-reaching and long-term consequences, such as choices among housing, public transport, electoral candidates and health care options. The principal aim of this project is to develop reliable and valid ways to model individual level choice processes. Once completed, this will provide insights into ways to aggregate sampled observations when population-level applications are required, and allow us to compare and test several competing theories of choice behaviour. This will enable us to make contributions to understanding and modelling human decision making in many fields ranging from marketing to medicine.''
Auger, P, Devinney, TM & Louviere, JJ 2007, 'Using best-worst scaling methodology to investigate consumer ethical beliefs across countries', JOURNAL OF BUSINESS ETHICS, vol. 70, no. 3, pp. 299-326.
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Flynn, TN, Louviere, JJ, Peters, TJ & Coast, J 2007, 'Best-worst scaling: What it can do for health care research and how to do it', JOURNAL OF HEALTH ECONOMICS, vol. 26, no. 1, pp. 171-189.
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Burgess, L & Street, DJ 2005, 'Optimal designs for choice experiments with asymmetric attributes', Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, vol. 134, no. 1, pp. 288-301.
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Louviere, J, Train, K, Ben-Akiva, M, Bhat, C, Brownstone, D, Cameron, TA, Carson, RT, Deshazo, JR, Fiebig, D, Greene, W, Hensher, D & Waldman, D 2005, 'Recent Progress on Endogeneity in Choice Modeling', Marketing Letters, vol. 16, no. 3-4, pp. 255-265.
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Marley, AAJ & Louviere, JJ 2005, 'Some probabilistic models of best, worst, and best-worst choices', JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL PSYCHOLOGY, vol. 49, no. 6, pp. 464-480.
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Street, DJ, Burgess, L & Louviere, JJ 2005, 'Quick and easy choice sets: Constructing optimal and nearly optimal stated choice experiments', INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RESEARCH IN MARKETING, vol. 22, no. 4, pp. 459-470.
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Keywords: choice modelling stated preference modelling optimal choice design random utility theory
FOR Codes: Applied Statistics, Econometric and Statistical Methods, Marketing and Market Research, Microeconomic issues not elsewhere classified, Marketing, Mathematical sciences, Marketing not elsewhere classified, Expanding Knowledge in the Mathematical Sciences, Applied statistics