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Generalizing Multi-level Decision Support Handling Multi-objectives, Multi-followers and Uncertainty for Critical Resource Planning

Funding: 2005: $111,363
2006: $106,051
2007: $129,937
2008: $106,051
2009: $106,051

Project Member(s): Lu, J.

Funding or Partner Organisation: Australian Research Council (ARC Discovery Projects)

Start year: 2005

Summary: Many resource planning problems including land use, water resource, transportation management and power market planning are characterised by multi-level optimisation problems under conditions of uncertainty. These multi-level problems may have several followers at the low level, and the leader at the upper level may be a team with multiple objectives. This project will generalize existing multi-level techniques to handle these issues for larger complex planning problem solving by using fuzzy optimisation, game theory, group decision and other soft-computing approaches. The outcomes include models, optimisation methods and software. The results can be used immediately in Australian organizations for improving resource planning


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Zhang, G, Lu, J & Gao, Y 2015, 'Fuzzy Bi-level and Tri-level Decision Support Systems' in Intelligent Systems Reference Library, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 289-314.
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Zhang, G, Lu, J & Gao, Y 2015, 'Fuzzy Bi-level Decision Making' in Intelligent Systems Reference Library, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 175-205.
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Zhang, G, Lu, J & Gao, Y 2015, 'Fuzzy Multi-objective Bi-level Decision Making' in Intelligent Systems Reference Library, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 207-228.
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Zhang, G, Lu, J & Gao, Y 2015, 'Fuzzy Multi-objective Bi-level Goal Programming', Intelligent Systems Reference Library, vol. 82, pp. 229-247.
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Zhang, G, Lu, J & Gao, Y 2015, 'Optimization Models', Intelligent Systems Reference Library, vol. 82, pp. 25-46.
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Zhang, G, Lu, J & Gao, Y 2015, 'Rule-Set-Based Bi-level Decision Making', Intelligent Systems Reference Library, vol. 82, pp. 251-286.
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Zhang, G, Lu, J & Gao, Y 2015, 'Tri-level Multi-follower Decision Making', Intelligent Systems Reference Library, vol. 82, pp. 121-171.
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Han, J, Zhang, G, Hu, Y, Lu, J & IEEE 1970, 'Solving Tri-level Programming Problems Using a Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm', PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2015 10TH IEEE CONFERENCE ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS AND APPLICATIONS, IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications, IEEE, Auckland, New Zealand, pp. 575-580.
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Gao, Y, Zhang, G, Lu, J & Wee, H-M 1970, 'A BI-LEVEL PRICING MODEL AND A PSO BASED ALGORITHM IN SUPPLY CHAINS', INTELLIGENT DECISION MAKING SYSTEMS, International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Knowledge Engineering, WORLD SCIENTIFIC AND ENGINEERING ACAD AND SOC, Hasselt Univ, Hasselt, BELGIUM, pp. 394-401.
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Zhang, G, Dillon, TS, Cai, K-Y, Ma, J & Lu, J 2009, 'Operation properties and delta-equalities of complex fuzzy sets', INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPROXIMATE REASONING, vol. 50, no. 8, pp. 1227-1249.
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Zheng, Z, Lu, J, Zhang, G & He, Q 2009, 'Rule sets based bilevel decision model and algorithm', EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS, vol. 36, no. 1, pp. 18-26.
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GAO, YA, ZHANG, G, LU, JIE, DILLON, T & ZENG, X 2008, 'A λ-CUT APPROXIMATE ALGORITHM FOR GOAL-BASED BILEVEL RISK MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS', International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making, vol. 07, no. 04, pp. 589-610.
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Lu, J, Deng, X, Vroman, P, Zeng, X, Ma, J & Zhang, G 1970, 'A fuzzy multi-criteria group decision support system for nonwoven based cosmetic product development evaluation', 2008 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence), 2008 IEEE 16th International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE), IEEE, Kong Kong, China, pp. 1700-1707.
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Niu, L, Lu, J, Chew, E, Zhang, G & Young, T 1970, 'An exploratory cognitive business intelligence system', PROCEEDINGS OF THE IEEE/WIC/ACM INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON WEB INTELLIGENCE, IEEE/WIC/ACM international Conference on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology, IEEE COMPUTER SOC, Silicon Valley, CA, pp. 812-815.
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Wu, F, Lu, J, Zhang, G & Da Ruan 1970, 'The Development of A Fuzzy Multi-Objective Group Decision Support System', 2007 IEEE International Fuzzy Systems Conference, 2007 IEEE International Fuzzy Systems Conference, IEEE, Imperial College, London, UK, pp. 1-6.
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Zhang, G, Lu, J & Dillon, T 1970, 'Models and Algorithm for Fuzzy Multi-objective Multi-follower Linear Bilevel Programming', 2007 IEEE International Fuzzy Systems Conference, 2007 IEEE International Fuzzy Systems Conference, IEEE, Imperial College, London, UK, pp. 1-6.
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Keywords: Multiple Level Decision Making, Fuzzy Optimisation, Group Decision Making, Resource Planning, Decision Support Systems, Business information systems,

FOR Codes: Decision Support and Group Support Systems, Operations Research, Optimisation, Management, Application tools and system utilities, Information processing services, Information Processing Services (incl. Data Entry and Capture), Optimisation , Information systems, technologies and services not elsewhere classified