Agreements, treaties and negotiated settlements with indigenous peoples in settler states: their role and relevance for indigenous and other Australians
Funding: 2002: $53,033
2003: $53,033
2004: $33,000
Project Member(s): Lavarch, L.
Funding or Partner Organisation: Australian Research Council (ARC Linkage Projects)
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission - Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Services (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission Partner Funds)
Start year: 2002
Summary: The project aims to examine treaty and agreement making with Indigenous Australians, including legal history and foundations, and the nature of the legal rights encompassed by agreements and treaties. It would include an audit of the current state of agreements with Indigenous parties, their purposes, status and outcomes; and would include international comparative research on treaty and agreement making. Outcomes would include a database on treaties and agreements in Australia and overseas and publication of collected papers and would contribute to the efforts by Indigenous organisations to secure political and economic rights through agreements with governments, industry and the community.
FOR Codes: Indigenous Law, International Law, History: Australian, Civics and citizenship, Government and politics not elsewhere classified, Rights to environmental and natural resources, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Law, Australian History (excl. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander History), International Trade Law, Rights to Environmental and Natural Resources (excl. Water Allocation), International trade and investment law, Australian history , Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and the law