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Development of a light detection system for enhanced scanning electron microscopy imaging of fully hydrated biological specimens at room temperature.

Funding: 2005: $35,460
2006: $75,413
2007: $77,905
2008: $38,953

Project Member(s): Phillips, M., Toth, M.

Funding or Partner Organisation: Australian Research Council (ARC Linkage Projects)
FEI Company

Start year: 2006

Summary: This project aims to develop instrumentation and techniques to image fully hydrated cellS for prolonged periods at room temperature in an environmental scanning electron microscope. Multiple fluorescent nano-particle labels will be used to image complex cellular structure and dynamics at ultra high spatial resolution. This innovative bio-imaging technique will be facilitated by the construction of a high speed light collection system that can efficiently operate at the pressures required to stablise water within the cell. Applications for this new bio-imaging technique will also be explored

Keywords: Bioimaging, Variable pressure scanning electron microscopy, Nanoparticle labelling, Biotechnology,

FOR Codes: Scientific instrumentation, Instrumentation not elsewhere classified, Environmental Biotechnology not elsewhere classified, Nanotechnology not elsewhere classified, Condensed Matter Physics, Scientific Instruments