Outside the Box: Australian television 2016
Funding: 2007: $75,000
2008: $67,000
Funding or Partner Organisation: Australian Film, Television and Radio School
Australian Film, Television and Radio School
Australian Research Council (ARC Linkage Projects)
Start year: 2007
Summary: This project investigates crucial strategic issues looming for Australia. Acknowledging the enormous influence of television and accepting that digital technology challenges content creation, distribution and financing for broadcast TV, we ll investigate the social, economic and cultural repercussions of the new technology. Mobilising industry-wide collaboration in scenario planning, we ll define and test influences shaping Australian TV and digital communications over the next decade. The project s investigative processes, seminars and conference will generate vital knowledge about the current and imminent state of TV in Australia, providing a unique, comprehensive planning tool for Industry, Government and a better informed Public.
Keywords: Media Studies, Digital Communications, Cultural History, Narrative Theory, Scenario Planning,
FOR Codes: Communication and Media Studies, Screen and Media Culture, Cultural Theory, Broadcasting, Telecommunications, Library and related information services, Library and Archival Services, Media Studies