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Migrating to object technology: identifying, optimizing and testing appropriate industry-focused strategies

Funding or Partner Organisation: Australian Research Council (ARC SPIRT (Strategic Partnerships with Industry Re)

Start year: 1999

Summary: Companies migrating their software development to the use of the modern ideas embodied in object technology require a migration plan for their developers and managers. The current state of the art is ad hoc in which, often, the services of a consultant are relied upon. There is no standard or documented or tested way of ensuring that any chosen migration strategy will succeed. This project aims to delineate such a strategy and test it, together with collaborating industries. The objectives of the project: * To identify how best a company should migrate from a traditional to an object-oriented development environment * To test this hypothesis out by empirical observation over a period of several months in an industry partner * To undertake a second multi-month observational programme on a second project. * To evaluate the results from these action research projects and publish the results


Henderson-Sellers, B & Serour, MK 2005, 'Creating a dual-agility method: The value of method engineering', JOURNAL OF DATABASE MANAGEMENT, vol. 16, no. 4, pp. 1-23.
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Serour, MK & Henderson-Sellers, B 1970, 'The Role of Organisation Culture on The Adoption and Diffusion of Software Engineering Process: An Empirical Study', The Adoption and Diffusion of IT in An Environment of Critical Change, IFIP TC8 WG8.6 International Working Conference on Diffusion, Adoption and Implementation of Information Technology, Pearson/IFIP, Sydney, Australia, pp. 76-88.

Serour, MK, Henderson-Sellers, B, Hughes, JM, Winder, D & Chow, L 1970, 'Organizational transition to Object Technology: Theory and Practice', Object-Oriented Information Systems, 8th International Conference on Object-Oriented Information Systems, Springer-Verlag, Montpellier, France, pp. 82-94.

Henderson-Sellers, B, Serour, MK, SOCIETY, IC, SOCIETY, IC & SOCIETY, IC 1970, 'Creating a process for transitioning to object technology', SEVENTH ASIA-PACIFIC SOFTWARE ENGINEERING CONFERENCE, PROCEEDINGS, Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference, IEEECS, Singapore, pp. 436-440.
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