Spatial and Temporal Variation in CDOM and Trace Element Concentrations in Eastern Australian Ports: Implications of Verifying Ballast Water Exchange by Ships.
Project Member(s): Doblin, M.
Funding or Partner Organisation: Smithsonian Institution
Smithsonian Institution
Start year: 2007
FOR Codes: Environmental Chemistry (incl. Atmospheric Chemistry), Pests and Diseases, Research, Science and Technology Policy, Environmental Policy, Legislation and Standards, Control of pests and exotic species, International sea transport, Fish Pests and Diseases, Research, Science and Technology Policy, Coastal and Marine Management Policy, Control of Pests, Diseases and Exotic Species in Marine Environments, International Sea Freight Transport (excl. Live Animal Transport), Atmospheric composition, chemistry and processes, Research, science and technology policy, Coastal and estuarine systems and management, Water transport, Marine systems and management