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A Scalable and Robust Application Level Active Network Infrastructure

Funding or Partner Organisation: Australian Research Council (ARC SPIRT Grant)
BT (British Telecom Laboratories)

Start year: 1999

Summary: This project addresses the problem of deployment of new services on the Internet. Barriers to deployment have arisen as a consequnce of the commercialisation of the Internet. We propose to develop an Application Level Active Network (ALAN) architecture to address this problem. This architecture has been developed in collaboration with the industry partner, British Telecom Laboratories. In this project we will investigate a number of research problems that need to be solved in order for our system to function robustly in a fully operational environment, such as scalability, management and security. If successful, the industry partner intends to proceed to commercial development.


Ghosh, A, Fry, M & MacLarty, G 2001, 'An infrastructure for application level active networking', Computer Networks, vol. 36, no. 1, pp. 5-20.
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MacLarty, G & Fry, M 2001, 'Policy-based content delivery: an active network approach', Computer Communications, vol. 24, no. 2, pp. 241-248.
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Ghosh, A, Fry, M & Crowcroft, J 1970, 'An Architecture for Application Layer Routing', Lecture Notes In Computer Science - Proceedings of the Second International Working Conference on Active Networks, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Tokyo, Japan, pp. 71-86.
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