Membranes coupled with physico-chemcial treatment in water reuse: New hybrid systems development and fouling assessment
Funding: 2009: $85,000
2010: $85,000
2011: $85,000
Project Member(s): Vigneswaran, S., Shon, H.
Funding or Partner Organisation: Australian Research Council (ARC Discovery Projects)
Start year: 2009
Summary: Nanofiltration and reverse osmosis are the main polishing treatment processes used in water reuse. An effective pre-treatment is the key to alleviating the major hurdle of application of membranes, which is membrane fouling. In this study, we will (1) develop novel pre-treatment technologies by innovative coupling of submerged membrane with physico-chemical processes and (2) devise a realistic and cost-effective method to access the pre-treatment without pilot testing. This project will bring the benefits of strong international collaboration and lead to sustainable pre-treatment technologies to remove a wide range of organic contaminants.
Johir, MAH, Vigneswaran, S, Kandasamy, J, BenAim, R & Grasmick, A 2013, 'Effect of salt concentration on membrane bioreactor (MBR) performances: Detailed organic characterization', Desalination, vol. 322, no. 1, pp. 13-20.
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Keywords: Flocculation, Ion exchange, Fouling index, Membrane processes, Water Reuse, adsorption,
FOR Codes: Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Urban and Industrial Land Management, Evaluation, allocation, and impacts of land use