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Optimisation of the electrical and optical properties of ZnO nanowires for advanced nanodevice applications

Funding: 2009: $115,000
2010: $115,000
2011: $115,000

Project Member(s): Phillips, M., Ton-That, C.

Funding or Partner Organisation: Australian Research Council (ARC Discovery Projects)

Start year: 2009

Summary: This project aims to devise original methods to fabricate ZnO nanowires with specified dimensions and opto-electronic properties. We will exploit recent advances in scanning electron microscopy to directly study at high magnification nanowires as they grow. Detailed characterisation of individual nanowires will establish precise relationships between their physical properties, dimensions and a broad range of growth conditions. Reproducible growth of ZnO nanowires with prescribed electronic and luminescence properties will enable the development of the next generation of nano-devices, such as high performance solar cells, ultra high sensitivity sensors and ultra high speed-electronics.


Wang, Z, Luo, C, Anwand, W, Wagner, A, Butterling, M, Rahman, MA, Phillips, MR, Ton-That, C, Younas, M, Su, S & Ling, FC-C 2019, 'Vacancy cluster in ZnO films grown by pulsed laser deposition', Scientific Reports, vol. 9, no. 1.
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Khachadorian, S, Gillen, R, Choi, S, Ton-That, C, Kliem, A, Maultzsch, J, Phillips, MR & Hoffmann, A 2015, 'Effects of annealing on optical and structural properties of zinc oxide nanocrystals', PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI B-BASIC SOLID STATE PHYSICS, vol. 252, no. 11, pp. 2620-2625.
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Ton-That, C, Zhu, L, Lockrey, MN, Phillips, MR, Cowie, BCC, Tadich, A, Thomsen, L, Khachadorian, S, Schlichting, S, Jankowski, N & Hoffmann, A 2015, 'Molecular nitrogen acceptors in ZnO nanowires induced by nitrogen plasma annealing', PHYSICAL REVIEW B, vol. 92, no. 2.
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Zhu, L, Phillips, MR & Ton-That, C 2015, 'Coalescence of ZnO nanowires grown from monodisperse Au nanoparticles', CRYSTENGCOMM, vol. 17, no. 27, pp. 4987-4991.
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Ton-That, C, Weston, L & Phillips, MR 2012, 'Characteristics of point defects in the green luminescence from Zn- and O-rich ZnO', PHYSICAL REVIEW B, vol. 86, no. 11, pp. 1-5.
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Keywords: Zinc Oxide, Nanowire, Materials Engineering, Nanotechnology, Spectroscopy, Microcharacterisation,

FOR Codes: Materials Engineering, Nanotechnology, Mathematical Physics, Expanding Knowledge in the Physical Sciences