Integrons, mobile gene cassettes and pathogencity in vibrio cholerae
Funding or Partner Organisation: National Health & Medical Research Council (NHMRC Project Grants)
Start year: 2009
Summary: To cunduct a mulitdisciplinary analysis of V.cholerae associated cassette arrays to investigate their evolutionary role they play in this species, their ability to be used as an accurate and raid tool for identification of pathogenic strains and the extent to which mobile protiens contribute pathogenicity.
Islam, A, Labbate, M, Djordjevic, SP, Alam, M, Darling, A, Melvold, J, Holmes, AJ, Johura, FT, Cravioto, A, Charles, IG & Stokes, HW 2013, 'Indigenous Vibrio cholerae strains from a non-endemic region are pathogenic', OPEN BIOLOGY, vol. 3, no. FEB, p. 120181.
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Sureshan, V, Deshpande, CN, Boucher, Y, Koenig, JE, Stokes, HW, Harrop, SJ, Curmi, PMG, Mabbutt, BC & Genomics, MCS 2013, 'Integron Gene Cassettes: A Repository of Novel Protein Folds with Distinct Interaction Sites', PLOS ONE, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 1-13.
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FOR Codes: Infectious Diseases, Clinical health