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Theorising professional practice differently: A focus on embodiment in health professional practice

Project Member(s): Hopwood, N.

Start year: 2010

Summary: Theorising professional practice differently: A focus on embodiment in health professional practice


Hopwood, N 2016, Professional Practice and Learning, Springer International Publishing, Dordrecht.
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Green, B & Hopwood, N 2015, 'The Body in Professional Practice, Learning and Education' in Green, B & Hopwood, N (eds), The body in professional practice, learning and education: body/practice, Springer International Publishing, London, pp. 15-33.
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Hopwood, N 2015, 'Relational Geometries of the Body: Doing Ethnographic Fieldwork' in Green, B & Hopwood, N (eds), Professional and Practice-based Learning, Springer International Publishing, London, pp. 53-69.
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Hopwood, N 2015, 'Understanding partnership practice in primary health as pedagogic work: what can Vygotsky's theory of learning offer?', AUSTRALIAN JOURNAL OF PRIMARY HEALTH, vol. 21, no. 1, pp. 9-13.
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Hopwood, N 2014, 'The fabric of practices: times, spaces, bodies, things' in McLean, L, Stafford, L & Weeks, M (eds), Exploring bodies in time and space, Inter-Disciplinary Press, Oxfordshire, pp. 137-146.

Hopwood, N 2014, 'A Sociomaterial Account of Partnership, Signatures and Accountability in Practice', Professions and Professionalism, vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 1-15.
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Hopwood, N 2014, 'Four essential dimensions of workplace learning', Journal of Workplace Learning, vol. 26, no. 6/7, pp. 349-363.
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Hopwood, N 2014, 'The rhythms of pedagogy: an ethnographic study of parenting education practices', STUDIES IN CONTINUING EDUCATION, vol. 36, no. 2, pp. 115-131.
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Hopwood, N 2013, 'ETHNOGRAPHIC FIELDWORK AS EMBODIED MATERIAL PRACTICE: REFLECTIONS FROM THEORY AND THE FIELD' in Denzin, NK (ed), 40th Anniversary of Studies in Symbolic Interaction, Emerald Group Publishing Limited, UK, pp. 227-245.
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Hopwood, N, Fowler, C, Lee, A, Rossiter, C & Bigsby, M 2013, 'Understanding partnership practice in child and family nursing through the concept of practice architectures', NURSING INQUIRY, vol. 20, no. 3, pp. 199-210.
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FOR Codes: Health Education and Promotion, Curriculum and Pedagogy, Specialist Studies in Education