Strategic Research into Cement Australia Geoploymer Concrete Systems
Project Member(s): Sirivivatnanon, V.
Funding or Partner Organisation: Cement Australia Pty Ltd
Start year: 2011
Neupane, K, Kidd, P, Chalmers, D, Baweja, D & Shrestha, R 2016, 'Investigation on compressive strength development and drying shrinkage of ambient cured powder-activated geopolymer concretes', Australian Journal of Civil Engineering, vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 72-83.
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Neupane, K, Sriravindrarajah, R, Baweja, D & Chalmers, D 2015, 'Effect of curing on the compressive strength development in structural grades of geocement concrete', CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS, vol. 94, pp. 241-248.
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FOR Codes: Construction Materials, Industrial Chemistry, Expanding Knowledge in Engineering, Other chemical sciences not elsewhere classified