Chip liquid chromatography-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry: A new hyphenated microfluidic instrument for metallomics - LP120200079
Funding: 2012: $35,000
2013: $70,000
2014: $70,000
2015: $35,000
Project Member(s): Doble, P., Fryer, F.
Funding or Partner Organisation: University of Tasmania
Australian Research Council (ARC Linkage Projects)
Agilent Technologies (Agilent Technologies Australia Pty Ltd)
Start year: 2013
Summary: This project will develop the next generation of hyphenated microfluidic chip liquid chromatography-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometer (chipLC-ICP-MS) for metallomics. We will develop an interface to efficiently couple a chipLC system with an ICP-MS. A pneumatically-assisted nebuliser will be integrated within the ChipLC. This configuration will be superior to current nano-LC-ICP-MS instruments, notably by eliminating complicated, tedious capillary connectors. Incorporating 2 columns in chip configurations will enable multidimensional liquid chromatography separations. Outcomes will include a robust, highly sensitive and easy-to-use instrument for biological applications and Australian leadership in metallomic research.
Ueland, M, Blanes, L, Taudte, RV, Stuart, BH, Cole, N, Willis, P, Roux, C & Doble, P 2016, 'Capillary-driven microfluidic paper-based analytical devices for lab on a chip screening of explosive residues in soil', Journal of Chromatography A, vol. 1436, pp. 28-33.
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Keywords: metallomics,microfluidic systems,Lab-on-a-chip
FOR Codes: Analytical Spectrometry, Scientific Instruments