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Cyber-racism and community resilience

Project Member(s): Jakubowicz, A.

Funding or Partner Organisation: University of Melbourne (The University of Melbourne)
University of Sydney (The University of Sydney Partnership Fund)
Western Sydney University (University of Western Sydney Partner Funds)
Australian Research Council (ARC Linkage Projects)
Deakin University (Deakin University Partnership Fund)
Monash University (Monash University funding source)
Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT University)
Victorian Health Promotion Foundation
Federation of Ethnic Communities Council of Australia
Australian Human Rights Commission

Start year: 2012

Summary: Racism, now increasingly facilitated through the Internet, corrodes social trust and undermines community cohesion. The project explores how perpetrators construct racist discourses, how internet users encounter and respond to cyber-racism, and how effectively strategies of regulation cope with the expansion of cyber-racism. Working closely with human rights, social well-being and community organisations, the project will provide evidence about the form and impact of encounters, what policies might best engage with the negative social impact of cyber-racism, and where in fact community standards sit between freedom from hatred and freedom of speech. The project develops social media to build community resilience in the face of cyber-racism.


Jakubowicz, AH 2015, 'Critical Moments in Multiculturalism and Public Sociology Portfolio', The Conversation.

Keywords: Community values,Social media,Racial vilification

FOR Codes: Race and Ethnic Relations, Ethnicity, Multiculturalism and Migrant Development and Welfare, Applied Sociology, Program Evaluation and Social Impact Assessment, Communication Across Languages and Culture, Applied sociology, program evaluation and social impact assessment, Sociology of migration, ethnicity and multiculturalism, Migrant and refugee settlement services, Multicultural services