Quality of Service (QoS) of 4G Broadband Wireless Networks
Project Member(s): Hoang, D.
Funding or Partner Organisation: Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO ICT Scholarship Fund)
Start year: 2013
Summary: Australian National Broadband Network (NBN) is taking place to connect all Australian premises. The infrastructure consists of Fiber To The Premise (FTTP) that covers 93% of the premises, wireless broadband access covers 4% of the premises in rural communities and the rest of the country, where broadband wireless access and fiber access are not feasible, is covered by satellite broadband access. The wireless broadband portion of the NBN covers many rural communities of different shapes and sizes from small areas with high population density to vast geographical areas sparsely populated. Clearly, appropriate dimensioning of the whole access networks is crucial to ensure the overall cost is minimized under the constraint that the specified data rates are guaranteed to all users regardless of their geographical locations. For sparsely populated areas, coverage may need to be large but capacity may be modest to satisfy a small number of users, However, with densely populated areas, high capacity is needed to deliver the specified data rate to a large number of users in the area. The overall goal of this research is to investigate mechanisms that can provide QoS for Broadband Wireless Access Networks (BWA) particularly WiMAX and Long Term Evolution (LTE) networks in terms of throughput, delay, jitter and fairness. To date we have proposed and evaluated several new congestion control algorithms (WFICC and LTE_FICC) and admission control algorithms (WFIAC and LTE_AC) that ensure the access network can cope with congestion and dynamic variations in network. The specific aim of this project is develop dimensioning procedures to optimize the cost of BWA networks with different geographies. Our objective is to apply the proposed QoS schemes including congestion control and the admission control on different NBN wireless network scenarios to ensure the provision of guaranteed QoS when network varies in terms of population and application distributions.
Keywords: Quality of Service, Broadband Access Networks, Intelligent Congestion Control, Intelligent Admission Control
FOR Codes: Mobile Data Networks and Services, Computer Software and Services not elsewhere classified, Mobile Technologies, Networking and Communications, Mobile computing, Information systems, technologies and services not elsewhere classified, Mobile technologies and communications