Design Led Innovation for Export Competitiveness Project
Funding or Partner Organisation: Manufacturing Excellence Taskforce Australia Limited
Start year: 2014
Summary: To remain competitive, many Australian firms need to transition from their traditional business models to those centred on high value-added product and service `solutions¿ that compete on value rather than cost alone. Design led innovation is an emerging approach consisting of tools and mindsets to drive global competitiveness through deep customer understanding. It has particular relevance to firms wanting to expand into export markets given the approach provides a strategic framework for market assessment. The project aligns with the research objectives of the Design Innovation Research Centre which aims to use the in-depth study of expert design practices to develop new methods, tools, processes and structures for organisations to achieve innovation. This project fits within the Industry Competitiveness research stream which aims to embed design led innovation knowledge and processes to allow firms to remain competitive within a rapidly changing economic landscape. The Design led innovation hub will allow META members to share ideas, experiences, learnings, problems and opportunities as they integrate the design led innovation framework into their businesses processes. The hub will become the research platform the collect and share leranings.
Keywords: Design Led Innovation, SME, Manufacturing
FOR Codes: Design Innovation, Manufacturing not elsewhere classified, Interaction and experience design , Other manufacturing not elsewhere classified