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Full Utilisation of Reactive Aggregates in High Performance Concrete

Project Member(s): Sirivivatnanon, V., Vessalas, K., Thomas, P., Baweja, D.

Funding or Partner Organisation: Cement Concrete & Aggregates Australia

Start year: 2015

Summary: The project seeks to develop technologies for enabling the full utilisation of alkali-silica reactive (ASR) aggregates in concrete using Type GP cement (with optimised limestone content) and supplementary cementitious materials (SCM) in a range of high performance concretes (HPC). This is critical to the continued use of major Australian aggregates given impending changes in binders and in methods by which such binders and aggregates are assessed for ASR within concrete. The specific objectives of the project are first to establish the capacity and hierarchy of two new Australian Standard test methods AS 1141.60.1 (Accelerated Mortar Bar Test (AMBT)) and AS 1141.60.2 (Concrete Prism Test (CPT)) in detecting and quantifying the reactivity of Australian aggregates in concrete, particularly those used for construction of major infrastructure. Secondly, the project will evaluate the fundamental efficacy of a range of SCMs in mitigating ASR within the current standards and actual verification of outcomes that will require fundamental research. Thirdly, the determination of the contribution of limestone mineral addition of General Purpose (GP) cement in mitigating ASR will be fully evaluated to ensure that changes in binder properties are managed and optimised for concrete applications. Fourthly, through the project work, development of expert capability in this field at UTS Construction Materials is planned with the establishment of a research focus and the introduction of future researchers.


Roboredo, C, Thomas, P, Vessalas, K & Sirivivatnanon, V 1970, 'Alkali limit in cement with supplementary cementing materials - A review', FIB 2018 - Proceedings for the 2018 fib Congress: Better, Smarter, Stronger, The International Federation for Structural Concrete Congress, Conrete Institute, Melbourne, pp. 3702-3708.

Sirivivatnanon, V, Hocking, D, Cheney, K & Rocker, P 1970, 'Reliability of extending AS1141.60.1 and 60.2 test methods to determine ASR mitigation', Concrete 2019 app, 29th Biennial National Conference of the Concrete Institute of Australia, Concrete Institute of Australia, Sydney, Australia, pp. 1-8.

Thomas, P, Ha Hau, WF, Vessalas, K, Sirivivatnanon, V & South, W 1970, 'Assessment of Test Methods for ASR Aggregate Reactivity', Concrete 2017 Advances in Materials and Structures, Concrete 2017 Advances in Materials and Structures, Adelaide, Australia.

Sirivivatnanon, V, Mohammadi, J & South, W 2016, 'Reliability of new Australian test methods in predicting alkali silica reaction of field concrete', CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS, vol. 126, pp. 868-874.
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Bornstein, B, Hocking, D, Bacolod, J & Sirivivatnanon, V 1970, 'The Use of Reaction Kinetics in Classifying Alkali Silica Reactivity Potential of Aggregates', Proceedings of the concrete 2015 conference: 27th biennial national conference of the concrete institute of Australia in conjunction with the 69th RILEM week conference, Concrete Institute of Australia - Biennial Conference, Concrete Institute of Australia, Melbourne, pp. 704-711.

Rocker, P, Mohammadi, J, Sirivivatnanon, V & South, W 1970, 'Linking New Australian Alkali Silica Reactivity Tests to World-Wide Performance Data', Proceedings of the Biennial National Conference of the Concrete Institute of Australia in conjunction with the 69th RILEM Week, Concrete Institute of Australia - Biennial Conference, Concrete Institute of Australia, Melbourne, pp. 502-513.

Keywords: Alkali Silica Reaction, Concrete, Durability, Supplementary Cementitious Materials, Limestone Addition, Infrastructure, Cement, Binder, Aggregate

FOR Codes: Construction Materials, Cement and Concrete Materials