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Employer skills utilisation case study: Disability Services in Tasmania, Australia

Funding or Partner Organisation: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development

Start year: 2016

Summary: Australia is currently implementing a National Disability Insurance Scheme, which will support a better life for hundreds of thousands of Australians with a significant and permanent disability and their families and carers. Local trials of the scheme, which is based on a client-centred approach, began in 2013. While the new scheme will expand access to support, it also changes the service requirements and funding arrangements for existing providers. Transitioning to the NDIS will require care workers to develop and use new skills, including identifying and responding to a wider range of client needs relating to health, leisure and wellbeing (CHSISC 2015). This case study is based on the work of local employers, training providers and brokers in the small Australian state of Tasmania (pop. 510,000). The write up of the case study will be informed by the best practice framework for regional workforce planning and development developed by the author (2013).

Keywords: workforce development, skills utilisation, employers, Tasmania, OECD

FOR Codes: Human Resources Management, Human Capital Issues