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Review of resource sharing arrangements between Circular Head and Waratah Wynyard Councils; and Kentish and Latrobe Councils

Funding or Partner Organisation: Kentish Council

Start year: 2015

Summary: > Review the current resource sharing arrangements between Kentish/Latrobe and Waratah Wynyard/Circular Head to determine: - Success against original objectives - Analysis of what worked well and why - Lessons learned - Areas for improvement. - Review current governance arrangements, including decision making processes, and develop a framework for decision making in the future, particularly in relation to how decisions are made for determining future areas for resource sharing - Identify the success factors of the current resource sharing arrangements - Review the State Government’s current reform agenda and provide advice to the councils as to whether the current resource sharing arrangements will deliver the outcomes sought - Identify whether current arrangements have led to the councils having the strategic capacity to respond to current and future challenges - Develop a framework for determining the most appropriate scale for working together, individually, through other regional groups (eg. Cradle Coast Authority) and state-wide through the Local Government Association of Tasmania (LGAT).


Hunting, SA & Ryan, R 2016, Review of Resource Sharing Arrangements Between Circular Head and Waratah-Wynyard Councils.

Hunting, SA & Ryan, R 2016, Review of Resource Sharing Arrangements Between Kentish and Latrobe Councils.

Keywords: Resource sharing, evaluation, strategic capacity, local government reform

FOR Codes: Public Administration, Public Services Policy Advice and Analysis