Youth Employment Action Plan: Illawarra and Shoalhaven
Funding or Partner Organisation: Illawarra Pilot Joint Organisation
Start year: 2015
Summary: UTS:CLG has been engaged by the Illawarra Pilot Joint Organisation and the NSW Department of Premier and Cabinet to prepare a Youth Employment Action Plan for the Illawarra and Shoalhaven. The Action Plan is aimed at responding to consistently higher rates of youth unemployment in the region by connecting young people with skills, qualifications and jobs. The methodology UTS:CLG is undertaking for this research project includes; a project inception meeting, a stakeholder mapping process, an evidence review of key documents and data, a consultation forum with stakeholders from across the region, the development of an Action Plan and Delivery Plan, as well as brokering commitments from stakeholders to partner together to deliver actions. in December 2016, the UTS:CLG project team will report back in the initial outcomes of the Action Plan.
Dowler, BC & Lopata 2016, Illawarra Youth Employment Strategy.
FOR Codes: Public Policy, Public Services Policy Advice and Analysis