Topology optimisation of mechanical metamaterials with additive manufacture
Funding: 2016: $31,200
2017: $29,700
2018: $29,700
Project Member(s): Luo, Z.
Funding or Partner Organisation: Australian Research Council (ARC Discovery Projects)
Start year: 2016
Summary: This project aims to develop, for the first time, topology optimisation technology with the marriage of additive manufacturing for computational design of mechanical metamaterials of pentamode, which are a new class of artificial composites engineered to have elastic properties not easily found in nature. The innovative methodology of this project will be used to resolve a crucial challenge: the need for a systematic design approach, to overcome the shortcoming of current methods that prevent practical application. This approach will be able to create novel metamaterials to have extraordinary properties and complex geometries that can be easily fabricated. Potential applications span defense, vehicle, biomedicine, marine, energy and cloaks.
Gao, J, Gao, L, Luo, Z & Li, P 2019, 'Isogeometric topology optimization for continuum structures using density distribution function', International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, vol. 119, no. 10, pp. 991-1017.
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Gao, J, Luo, Z, Li, H & Gao, L 2019, 'Topology optimization for multiscale design of porous composites with multi-domain microstructures', Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, vol. 344, pp. 451-476.
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Gao, J, Luo, Z, Li, H, Li, P & Gao, L 2019, 'Dynamic multiscale topology optimization for multi-regional micro-structured cellular composites', Composite Structures, vol. 211, pp. 401-417.
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Gao, J, Xue, H, Gao, L & Luo, Z 2019, 'Topology optimization for auxetic metamaterials based on isogeometric analysis', Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, vol. 352, pp. 211-236.
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Man, X, Luo, Z, Liu, J & Xia, B 2019, 'Hilbert fractal acoustic metamaterials with negative mass density and bulk modulus on subwavelength scale', Materials & Design, vol. 180, pp. 107911-107911.
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Man, X-F, Xia, B-Z, Luo, Z & Liu, J 2019, '3D Hilbert fractal acoustic metamaterials: low-frequency and multi-band sound insulation', Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, vol. 52, no. 19, pp. 195302-195302.
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Zheng, J, Luo, Z, Jiang, C & Gao, J 2019, 'Robust topology optimization for concurrent design of dynamic structures under hybrid uncertainties', Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, vol. 120, pp. 540-559.
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Zheng, J, Luo, Z, Jiang, C & Wu, J 2019, 'Level‐set topology optimization for robust design of structures under hybrid uncertainties', International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, vol. 117, no. 5, pp. 523-542.
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Chu, S, Gao, L, Xiao, M, Luo, Z & Li, H 2018, 'Stress‐based multi‐material topology optimization of compliant mechanisms', International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, vol. 113, no. 7, pp. 1021-1044.
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Chu, S, Gao, L, Xiao, M, Luo, Z, Li, H & Gui, X 2018, 'A new method based on adaptive volume constraint and stress penalty for stress-constrained topology optimization', Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, vol. 57, no. 3, pp. 1163-1185.
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Li, H, Luo, Z, Gao, L & Walker, P 2018, 'Topology optimization for functionally graded cellular composites with metamaterials by level sets', Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, vol. 328, pp. 340-364.
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Li, H, Luo, Z, Gao, L & Wu, J 2018, 'An improved parametric level set method for structural frequency response optimization problems', Advances in Engineering Software, vol. 126, pp. 75-89.
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Man, X, Liu, T, Xia, B, Luo, Z, Xie, L & Liu, J 2018, 'Space-coiling fractal metamaterial with multi-bandgaps on subwavelength scale', Journal of Sound and Vibration, vol. 423, pp. 322-339.
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Wang, Y, Gao, J, Luo, Z, Brown, T & Zhang, N 2017, 'Level-set topology optimization for multimaterial and multifunctional mechanical metamaterials', Engineering Optimization, vol. 49, no. 1, pp. 22-42.
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Wu, J, Luo, Z, Li, H & Zhang, N 2017, 'A new hybrid uncertainty optimization method for structures using orthogonal series expansion', Applied Mathematical Modelling, vol. 45, pp. 474-490.
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Wu, J, Luo, Z, Li, H & Zhang, N 2017, 'Level-set topology optimization for mechanical metamaterials under hybrid uncertainties', Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, vol. 319, pp. 414-441.
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Li, H, Luo, Z, Zhang, N, Gao, L & Brown, T 2016, 'Integrated design of cellular composites using a level-set topology optimization method', Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, vol. 309, pp. 453-475.
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Wang, Y, Luo, Z, Zhang, N & Qin, Q 2016, 'Topological shape optimization of multifunctional tissue engineering scaffolds with level set method', Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, vol. 54, no. 2, pp. 333-347.
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Wang, Y, Luo, Z, Zhang, N & Wu, T 2016, 'Topological design for mechanical metamaterials using a multiphase level set method', Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, vol. 54, no. 4, pp. 937-952.
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Wu, J, Luo, Z, Zheng, J & Jiang, C 2016, 'Incremental modeling of a new high-order polynomial surrogate model', Applied Mathematical Modelling, vol. 40, no. 7-8, pp. 4681-4699.
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Keywords: topology optimization, additive manufacturing, mechanical metamaterials
FOR Codes: Expanding Knowledge in Engineering, Emerging Defence Technologies, Environmentally Sustainable Manufacturing not elsewhere classified, Solid Mechanics, Numerical Modelling and Mechanical Characterisation, DEFENCE, Environmentally sustainable manufacturing activities, EXPANDING KNOWLEDGE