Enrolled nurse transition: development of a university preparation program for direct entry to 2nd year
Project Member(s): Van Reyk, D.
Funding or Partner Organisation: Office for Learning & Teaching (Department of Education and Training) (Office of Teaching and Learning Seed Grants)
Start year: 2016
Summary: The goal of this seed project is to design a website that would provide materials and resources for open access as needed by enrolled nurses undertaking pre-registration nursing degrees at any university to aid the VET to university transition and support revision of foundational science. Enrolled nurses (EN) seeking to upgrade their position to registered nurse (RN) are given direct entry to the second year of university pre-registration nursing degrees. Many of these students have experienced a gap since completing their VET program and/or worked in specialist units such as mental health. This distances them from their studies. Additionally, direct entry to the second year results in students missing well-resourced and well-established first year transition programs. Finally, the majority study by distance, are first in family to study at university and have work and family commitments, compounding the challenging process of transition.
Keywords: transitional pedagogy, nursing, foundational science
FOR Codes: Vocational Education and Training Curriculum and Pedagogy, Teaching and Instruction Technologies