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Working the gig economy: The organisation of digital platform work

Funding or Partner Organisation: Australian Research Council (ARC Discovery Projects)
Australian Research Council (ARC Discovery Projects)

Start year: 2018

Summary: Working the gig economy: The organisation of digital platform work. This project aims to reveal the characteristics, motivations and relationships between the three central entities which comprise digital platform work: companies which organise work of different skill and scale in the gig economy; end-user individuals and enterprises; and digital platform workers themselves. This project investigates the organisation of platform work from the perspective of both workers and the intermediaries they use to find work. Expected outcomes will contribute g to knowledge of workforce transitions and shifting work/home boundaries This has the potential to informeffective policy responses to platform work with respect to labour law, superannuation regulation, organisational policy and social welfare regimes.


McDonald, P, Williams, P, Stewart, A, Oliver, D & Mayes, R Department of Premier and Cabinet (Victoria) 2019, Digital Platform Work in Australia: Preliminary findings from a national survey, Melbourne.

FOR Codes: Industrial Relations, Employment Patterns and Change, Industrial and employee relations