Identifying optimal greyhound race track design for canine safety and welfare Phase 2
Project Member(s): Eager, D.
Funding or Partner Organisation: Greyhound Racing NSW
Greyhound Racing NSW
Start year: 2017
Hayati, H, Eager, D & Oberst, S 1970, 'Recurrence Plot Qualification Analysis of the Greyhound Rotary Gallop Gait', Springer International Publishing, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy (online), pp. 331-341.
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Eager, D, Halkon, B, Zhou, S, Walker, P, Covey, K & Braiden, S 2021, 'Greyhound Racing Track Lure Systems—Acoustical Measurements within and Adjacent to the Starting Boxes', Technologies, vol. 9, no. 4, pp. 74-74.
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Hayati, H, Eager, D, Peham, C & Qi, Y 2020, 'Dynamic Behaviour of High Performance of Sand Surfaces Used in the Sports Industry', Vibration, vol. 3, no. 4, pp. 410-424.
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Hossain, MI, Eager, D & Walker, PD 2020, 'Greyhound racing ideal trajectory path generation for straight to bend based on jerk rate minimization', Scientific Reports, vol. 10, no. 1, p. 7088.
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Eager, D & Hayati, H 2019, 'Additional Injury Prevention Criteria for Impact Attenuation Surfacing Within Children's Playgrounds', ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, Part B: Mechanical Engineering, vol. 5, no. 1.
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Hayati, H, Eager, D & Walker, P 2019, 'The effects of surface compliance on greyhound galloping dynamics', Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part K: Journal of Multi-body Dynamics, vol. 233, no. 4, pp. 1033-1043.
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Eager, D 1970, 'Safe and fair racing - Successful interventions within the greyhound industry', Greyhound Clubs Australasia National Symposium, Greyhound Clubs Australasia National Symposium, Perth, Australia.
Eager, D 1970, 'Track safety and welfare: Reflections on interventions and lessons learned', Greyhound Racing New Zealand 2019 Conference and Awards, Greyhound Racing New Zealand 2019 Conference and Awards, Wellington, New Zealand, pp. 1-10.
Hossain, MI, Eager, D & Walker, P 1970, 'Simulation of Racing Greyhound Kinematics', Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications, 9th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications, SCITEPRESS - Science and Technology Publications, Prague, Czech Republic, pp. 47-56.
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Eager, D 2019, 'Greyhound safety and welfare: Lessons from The Meadows and Richmond track lure analyses'.
Eager, D & Hossain, MI 2019, 'Greyhound safety and welfare - A preliminary review of the Angle Park track'.
Hayati, H, Eager, D & Walker, P 2019, 'A SLIP Model to predict the dynamics of rapid tetrapod locomotion during hind-leg single support'.
Mahdavi, F, Hayati, H, Kennedy, P & Eager, D 2019, 'Effects of the number of starts on greyhound racing dynamics'.
Eager, D 1970, 'The findings of studies into the safety of greyhound tracks and actions taken to improve safety', Greyhound Welfare and Integrity Commission, Greyhound Welfare and Integrity Commission, Sydney.
Hayati, H, Walker, P, Brown, T, Kennedy, P & Eager, D 1970, 'A Simple Spring-Loaded Inverted Pendulum (SLIP) Model of a Bio-Inspired Quadrupedal Robot Over Compliant Terrains', Volume 4B: Dynamics, Vibration, and Control, ASME 2018 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, USA.
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Hayati, H, Walker, P, Mahdavi, F, Stephenson, R, Brown, T & Eager, D 1970, 'A Comparative Study of Rapid Quadrupedal Sprinting and Turning Dynamics on Different Terrains and Conditions: Racing Greyhounds Galloping Dynamics', Volume 4A: Dynamics, Vibration, and Control, ASME 2018 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA, pp. 1-7.
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Eager, D, Hayati, H & Hossain, MI University of Technology Sydney 2018, Mt Gambier Track Injury Analysis and Preliminary Design Report, no. 1, Sydney, Australia.
Eager, D, Hayati, H, Mahdavi, F, Hossain, MI, Stephenson, R & Thomas, N University of Technology Sydney 2018, Identifying optimal greyhound track design for greyhound safety and welfare-Phase II-Progress Report-1 January 2016 to 31 December 2017, Sydney, Australia.
Mahdavi, F, Hayati, H, Thomas, N & Eager, D 2018, A preliminary investigation into the injury rate for 6 and 8 dog starts, UTS.
Eager, D 2018, 'Dubbo presentation - UTS greyhound safety and welfare research'.
Eager, D 2018, 'Measuring track properties for performance and safety, Greyhound Racing Victoria Track Managers Conference, Warragul, 9 July 2018 (Invited plenary presentation)'.
Eager, D 2018, 'Quantifying the surface properties of greyhound racing tracks, Greyhound Racing NSW Curators Conference, Sydney, 14-15 July 2018 (Invited plenary presentation)'.
Eager, D 2018, 'UTS greyhound safety and welfare research, Grafton Greyhound Club, Grafton'.
Eager, D 2018, 'UTS track research for greyhound safety and welfare, Greyhound Australasia, Sydney'.
Hayati, H, Eager, D, Brown, T & Jusufi, A 1970, 'STRIDE LENGTH AS A SPEED INDICATOR IN FAST QUADRUPEDS', International Society of Biomechanics, International Society of Biomechanics, Brisbane, Australia.
Hayati, H, Eager, D, Jusufi, A & Brown, T 1970, 'A Study of Rapid Tetrapod Running and Turning Dynamics Utilizing Inertial Measurement Units in Greyhound Sprinting', Volume 3: 19th International Conference on Advanced Vehicle Technologies; 14th International Conference on Design Education; 10th Frontiers in Biomedical Devices, ASME 2017 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Cleveland, Ohio, USA, pp. 1-5.
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Jusufi, A, Hayati, HH, Eager, DE & Tucker, BT 1970, 'Exploration of Rapid Sprinting Dynamics of Tetrapod utilizing IMUs', The 8th International Symposium on Adaptive Motion of Animals and Machines (AMAM 2017) Japan, The 8th International Symposium on Adaptive Motion of Animals and Machines (AMAM 2017) Japan.
Eager, D & Hossain, MI University of Technology Sydney 2017, Alternative track design for Tweed Heads (Options A to D), Sydney, Australia.
Eager, D, Hayati, H & Hossain, MI University of Technology Sydney 2017, Identifying optimal greyhound track design for greyhound safety and welfare, University of Technology Sydney.
Hossain, I, Hayati, H & Eager, D 2017, Alternative Trackdesigns for Tweed Heads (Options A – D), UTS.
Mahdavi, F, Eager, D & Hayati, H 2017, Richmond track intervention analysis, UTS.
Hayati, H & Eager, D 2016, Influence of box location and race distance on the rate of injury - Wentworth Park, 03 November 2016, UTS.
Hossain, MI, Hayati, H & Eager, D University of Technology Sydney 2016, A Comparison of the Track Shape of Wentworth Park and Proposed Murray Bridge, Sydney, Australia.
FOR Codes: Expanding Knowledge in Engineering, Mechanical Engineering