Prerequisite conditions for Indigenous nation self-government
Funding: 2019: $152,337
2020: $166,073
2021: $178,025
Project Member(s): Vivian, A., Clague, P., Rigney, D.
Funding or Partner Organisation: Australian Research Council (ARC Discovery Projects)
Australian Research Council (ARC Discovery Projects)
Start year: 2019
Summary: Prerequisite conditions for Indigenous nation self-government. This project aims to produce new knowledge about Indigenous nation building (INB) processes. Based on research that self-governance increases Indigenous socioeconomic and community capacity, this project will collaborate with two Aboriginal communities to investigate factors that impact the transition from 'identifying' to 'organising' as political collectives to enable self-governance. Such knowledge has the potential to directly contribute to increased wellbeing for Indigenous communities as they define it. It aims to contribute to Australian and international Indigenous governance, political science and Indigenous methodologies literatures. The project could significantly benefit Indigenous peoples, the broader Australian community, Australian governments, and Australian and international INB researchers.
Smith, C, Burke, H, Ralph, J, Pollard, K, Gorman, A, Wilson, C, Hemming, S, Rigney, D, Wesley, D, Morrison, M, McNaughton, D, Domingo, I, Moffat, I, Roberts, A, Koolmatrie, J, Willika, J, Pamkal, B & Jackson, G 2019, 'Pursuing Social Justice Through Collaborative Archaeologies in Aboriginal Australia', Archaeologies, vol. 15, no. 3, pp. 536-569.
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FOR Codes: Expanding Knowledge through Studies of Human Society, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Development and Welfare, Political Systems, Studies of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Society, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Policy, Social Change, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander sociological studies, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health policy, Government and politics, EXPANDING KNOWLEDGE, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community services