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Analysis of the Transport for NSW / SIRA Linked Dataset- Multidimensional characteristics of all people injured in motor vehicle crashes

Project Member(s): Drake, B., Gabrys, B.

Funding or Partner Organisation: State Insurance Regulatory Authority
State Insurance Regulatory Authority

Start year: 2020

Summary: The NSW State Insurance Regulatory Authority (“SIRA”) regulates the NSW Compulsory Third Party scheme (“CTP”). The CTP scheme provides benefits to people injured in motor vehicle crashes (“MVC”). SIRA aims to reduce the incidence and impact of MVC through a partnership with the NSW Centre for Road Safety (“CRS”) with direct funding of road safety and injury prevention initiatives targeting the CTP scheme's vulnerable road users. A key challenge for SIRA is how to target funding allocation for road safety initiatives to meet the CTP scheme's prevention priorities. The aim of the project is to use the LDS to inform targets for funding allocation for road safety initiatives to meet the CTP scheme's prevention priorities and Health Strategy. This will also provide SIRA with a deeper understanding of the utility of the LDS. Specifically, the project aims to provide descriptive analysis of the multidimensional characteristics of all people injured in MVC who have a record in the LDS.

FOR Codes: Pattern Recognition and Data Mining, Road Safety, Data mining and knowledge discovery