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Catchments needs assessment framework 3 for NSW rivers (CNAF3, variation to Phase 2)

Project Member(s): Li, J., Blumenstein, M., Roobavannan, M., Vigneswaran, S., Kandasamy, J.

Funding or Partner Organisation: NSW Department of Primary Industries (Crown Lands and Water)
NSW Department of Primary Industries (Crown Lands and Water)

Start year: 2019


Baker, D, Blumenstein, M, Li, J, Sayers, J, Ferguson, C, Fogelman, S, Mahendran, R, Zhang, Y & Gosh, S, 'A NOVEL DATA DRIVEN APPROACH TO ENSURING WATER SECURITY, VIA DATA ANALYTICS AND VISUALISATION', Water e-Journal, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 1-8.
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FOR Codes: Pattern Recognition and Data Mining, Application Tools and System Utilities, Modelling and simulation, Information systems, technologies and services not elsewhere classified