Review of Emerging Technologies to Support the Validation of As-Built Building Information Models
Project Member(s): Jupp, J.
Funding or Partner Organisation: RICHARD CROOKES CONSTRUCTIONS PTY. LIMITED (Richard Crookes Construction Research Grant)
RICHARD CROOKES CONSTRUCTIONS PTY. LIMITED (Richard Crookes Construction Research Grant)
Start year: 2020
Summary: The research will conduct a comparative analysis of advanced visualisation and data capture technologies to support model-based verification and validation. The research will provide new knowledge and insights into the impact of the four most significant technologies that are not only set to disrupt the industry but together are capable of addressing key information management challenges faced by contractors, clients and building operators during the implementation of building information modelling (BIM) for facilities maintenance (FM), or BIM for FM.
FOR Codes: Engineering Systems Design, Engineering Design Methods, Integrated Systems, Expanding Knowledge in Engineering, Engineering design