Bio-acoustic termite control device – laboratory experiments
Project Member(s): Oberst, S.
Funding or Partner Organisation: US Department of Agriculture (USDA)
US Department of Agriculture (USDA)
Start year: 2020
Oberst, S, Sepehrirahnama, S, Nerse, C, Brodzeli, Z, Lai, JCS, Mankowski, M, Atkinson, T, Arango, R, Kirker, G & Evans, T 1970, 'Towards a microactuator-sensing network for structural health monitoring of timber poles', Proceedings IRG Annual Meeting, International Research Group on Wood Protection, The International Research Group on Wood Protection, Cairns, Queensland, Australia, pp. 1-9.
Tofigh, F, Sepehrirahnama, S, Lai, JCS & Oberst, S 1970, 'CHARACTERISING AND CALIBRATING PIEZO ACTUATORS FOR MICRO-EXCITATION FOR VIBRATION PLAYBACK IN BI-OASSAYS OF INSECTS', Proceedings of the International Congress on Sound and Vibration, 28th Intenational Congress on Sound and Vibration, Singapore.
FOR Codes: Behavioural ecology, Acoustics and noise control (excl. architectural acoustics), Acoustics and acoustical devices; waves, Expanding Knowledge in the Physical Sciences, Expanding Knowledge in the Biological Sciences, Expanding Knowledge in Engineering, Emerging Defence Technologies, DEFENCE, EXPANDING KNOWLEDGE