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iMOVE: Ai-RAP Automation for Australian Road Safety

Project Member(s): Mihaita, A., Ou, Y., Berry, A., Mao, T.

Funding or Partner Organisation: iMOVE Australia Limited (iMOVE CRC)
iMOVE Australia Limited (iMOVE CRC)

Start year: 2020

Summary: Improving road safety performance is a priority for all levels of government in Australia. AusRAP data is currently used to inform policy, investment and design decisions across the country. The use of artificial intelligence and machine learning techniques to collect the data has potential to reduce costs and increase the frequency and accuracy of AusRAP information. The Ai-RAP project (accelerated and intelligent RAP data collection) will deliver the digital data specifications, compliance and quality assurance processes to enable a competitive data marketplace to be developed. Pilot Ai-RAP assessments will be conducted on a sample of attributes across local, state and national highway roads to prove the methodologies and provide the framework and confidence levels for the digital data generated.

FOR Codes: Transport engineering, Ground Transport not elsewhere classified, Active ground transport , Autonomous road vehicles