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Des1 Inhibitors in the treatment of antifibrotic disease

Project Member(s): Hansbro, P.

Funding or Partner Organisation: Cincera Therapeutics Pty Ltd
Cincera Therapeutics Pty Ltd

Start year: 2020

Summary: The Cincera team has developed novel drug leads targeting Des1 that exhibit potent antifibrotic activity cellular assays of IPF. . Cincera now wish to demonstrate the anti-fibrotic activities in a relevant animal model of IPF and have asked Prof. Hansbro to test their drugs in his Bleomycin lung model of IPF (BLM-IPF). If successful, Cincera intend to bring a preferred drug candidate to clinic trials as a novel therapeutic for the treatment of IPF.

FOR Codes: Cardiovascular medicine and haematology, Respiratory System and Diseases (incl. Asthma), Cardiorespiratory Medicine and Haematology, Clinical health