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Electrification and renewables to displace fossil fuel process heating

Project Member(s): Hossain, J., Bennett, N.

Funding or Partner Organisation: Race for 2030 Limited (Race for 2030 Limited CRC)
Race for 2030 Limited (Race for 2030 Limited CRC)

Start year: 2021

Summary: This research theme focuses on the electrification of process heating to improve energy productivity and provide a decarbonisation pathway for Australian businesses. The theme categorises process heating opportunities in terms of temperature of product or service delivered (not the temperature at which existing systems supply heat): 1. Low temperature (below 150°C) 2. Medium temperatures (150°C - 300°C) 3. High temperature (above 300°C) We expect this research theme to focus initially on services requiring heat in the 100-150°C temperature range.


He, F & Fathabadi, H 2020, 'Novel standalone plug-in hybrid electric vehicle charging station fed by solar energy in presence of a fuel cell system used as supporting power source', Renewable Energy, vol. 156, pp. 964-974.
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FOR Codes: Electrical energy generation (incl. renewables, excl. photovoltaics), Renewable Power and Energy Systems Engineering (excl. Solar Cells), Renewable Energy not elsewhere classified