Clinical Mastitis Treatment Decision Tool
Project Member(s): Lipman, J., Saki, M., Xu, Y.
Funding or Partner Organisation: Food Agility CRC Limited (Food Agility CRC)
Food Agility CRC Limited (Food Agility CRC)
Start year: 2021
Summary: This project exists to reduce the use of antibiotics in the treatment of mastitis in dairy cows, and to ensure that the antibiotics used are the most appropriate. When successful, we’ll see a reduction antibiotic use and an improvement in treatment outcomes, health and welfare of dairy cows. It is a project funded by Food Agility, Dairy Australia and Coles Variation June 2023: - End date extended from 1/4/2024 till 30/9/2024. - Amount to UTS reduced by $30,000 from $305,810 to $275,810
FOR Codes: Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing, Computer Software and Services, Human-centred computing, Artificial intelligence, Machine learning, Information systems, technologies and services, Media services