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Laser-free on-chip super-resolution microscopy

Funding or Partner Organisation: Australian Research Council (ARC Discovery Projects)
Australian Research Council (ARC Discovery Projects)

Start year: 2022

Summary: The project aims to develop a compact and cost-effective on-chip super-resolution microscope through the combination of imaging algorithms, optics and integrated photonics. This project addresses the current limitation in imaging algorithms that lead to complex laser systems and limit imaging speed. It plans to discover a new emitter self-interference microscopy and the resultant on-chip microscope for biophysics applications. Key expected outcomes include new knowledge in imaging, photonics and biophysics, and disruptive, fastest, compact on-chip nanoscopy techniques that bypass the complex laser system and fabrications of nanostructures. Benefits include intellectual properties of microscope devices and new diagnostic tools for virus detection.

Keywords: Project Terminated

FOR Codes: Nanophotonics, Nanobiotechnology, Expanding knowledge in the physical sciences, Scientific instruments