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Transforming energy productivity through value chains

Project Member(s): Hossain, J., Khalilpour, K., Trianni, A.

Funding or Partner Organisation: Race for 2030 Limited (Race for 2030 Limited CRC)
Race for 2030 Limited (Race for 2030 Limited CRC)

Start year: 2021

Summary: There are large opportunities for energy, material and productivity gains across stages in supply chains. These potential energy, material and productivity gains between stages in supply chains are generally not visible to the players at each stage of the process, each of which tend to sub-optimise based on their local objectives, without a clear view of the specific ultimate service delivered to the customer. By providing this visibility, insights can be gained about new technologies and business (including financing) models that could substantially improve energy productivity across chains. Systems thinking is key to identify and tap new value potential. This theme considers energy use by process, defining the energy efficiency and/or productivity of the end use product or service. A key element is the focus on defining the end products and/or services of value chains to identify and realise transformative energy productivity (EP) benefits, rather than optimising existing value chains to achieve incremental EP benefits.

FOR Codes: Building, Manufacturing engineering, Energy generation, conversion and storage (excl. chemical and electrical), Energy Generation, Conversion and Storage Engineering, Food Engineering, Energy, Food engineering