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Radio Frequency Camera for Low-Complexity and High-Resolution Radar Imaging

Project Member(s): Huang, X., Zhang, J., Qin, P.

Funding or Partner Organisation: Australian Research Council (ARC Discovery Projects)
Australian Research Council (ARC Discovery Projects)

Start year: 2022

Summary: This project aims to develop the theory and enabling techniques to realise a low-complexity and high-resolution radar imaging system with uncoordinated illumination. New scientific breakthroughs include fundamental radar imaging theory, advanced radio frequency frontend design and fast signal processing algorithms. These will lead to a paradigm shift in active and passive imaging technologies. A proof-of-concept prototype of the proposed imaging system with 77 GHz millimetre wave will be developed to demonstrate its feasibility and performance. The expected outcomes include Australia’s scientific and technological leadership in radar imaging and enhanced capability in emergency response, defence, public safety, and healthcare industries.

FOR Codes: Signal processing, Wireless communication systems and technologies (incl. microwave and millimetrewave), Antennas and propagation, Expanding knowledge in the information and computing sciences, Emerging defence technologies, ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT