Good vibes: how do plants recognise and respond to pollinator vibroacoustic signals?
Project Member(s): Oberst, S.
Funding or Partner Organisation: Human Frontier Science Program
Human Frontier Science Program
University of Turin
University of Valencia
Start year: 2022
Summary: Plant responses to natural vibroacoustic (VA) signals, including those produced by insects, are poorly studied. Due to the multimodal nature of VAs, there is a heartfelt call for multidisciplinary studies addressing the physics of plant VA-transmission and perception, the physiology of their transduction signals and their effects at the molecular level, all ultimately impacting plant and insect fitness in an ecological and evolutionary context. To address this urgency and contribute to the emerging field of phyto-vibroacoustics, we conceived ‘Good vibes’, a highly innovative project combining different cutting-edge disciplines.
Nerse, C, Oberst, S, Navarro-Payá, D, Etxeberria, J, Matus, JT, Bianco, L, Casacci, LP & Barbero, F 1970, 'PROPENSITY TO EFFICIENTLY TRANSMIT VIBRATIONS IN SNAPDRAGONS IN RESPONSE TO VIBROACOUSTIC SIGNALLING', Proceedings of the International Congress on Sound and Vibration, Proceedings of the 29th International Congress on Sound and Vibration, Prague, Czech Republic.
FOR Codes: Expanding knowledge in the biological sciences, Expanding knowledge in engineering, Expanding knowledge in the agricultural, food and veterinary sciences, Acoustics and noise control (excl. architectural acoustics), Dynamical systems in applications, Behavioural ecology