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MAC protocol design for reliable underwater communication

Project Member(s): Dutkiewicz, E., He, Y., Abewardana Jayawickrama, B.

Funding or Partner Organisation: NSW Department of Industry (NSW Defence Innovation Network)
Defence Innovation Network (DIN - Defence and industry-led PhD projects)

Start year: 2022

Summary: This project aims to design a MAC protocol for an underwater communication system with multiplexing to achieve efficient and reliable connectivity. Optimisation objectives include throughput, scheduling and cluster management. An optimised Media Access Control (MAC) protocol for a full-duplex underwater communication system with multiplexing capability (CDMA/TDMA). Features will include optimised throughput, multi-user scheduling and dynamic cluster management. System level simulation platform to evaluate the performance of the MAC protocol with the current physical layer specification and challenging underwater channels. Performance evaluation of deployment scenarios of interest to Defence, such as mine countermeasures and military survey.

FOR Codes: Network engineering, Communication Networks and Services not elsewhere classified, Emerging Defence Technologies, DEFENCE, Communication technologies, systems and services, Command, Control and Communications, Command, control and communications