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Review on the feasibility and design constraints of using rain gardens for wastewater polishing

Project Member(s): Vigneswaran, S., Kandasamy, J.

Funding or Partner Organisation: Sydney Water Corporation
Sydney Water Corporation

Start year: 2021

Summary: Project Scope Sydney Water over the next decade will transition towards using green infrastructure solutions where practical. To ensure Sydney Water has the knowledge and scientific evidence to inform and de-risk new innovations for Business As Usual (BAU) applications, we need to address any R&D, knowledge gaps and/or deployment challenges to ensure these solutions can meet our strict legislative and operational requirements. This project aims to investigate green infrastructure solution - low cost rain gardens as an option for polishing wastewater for decentralised small scale systems. These new proposed guideline requirements will essentially halve the allowable discharge limits; Nitrogen from 6 mg/L (Current Limit) to 3 mg/L (Proposed Limit) Phosphorous from 0.1 mg/L (Current) to 0.05 mg/L (Proposed Limit) This independent research investigation aims to provide further knowledge to address the business and operational requirements that would enable Sydney Water to transition to using Green Infrastructure in BAU with confidence. For this particular report, the project site of Wilton and rain gardens for wastewater polishing will be used as a specific study use case. The outcomes of this report, will provide Sydney Water with a pathway towards adopting green infrastructure solutions such as rain gardens, constructed wetlands and biofiltration techniques. Please see the report Wilton North Water Management Plan.

FOR Codes: Environmental engineering not elsewhere classified, Chemical engineering design, Land and Water Management, Fresh, ground and surface water systems and management