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Australian Federal Police National DNA Program for Unidentified & Missing Persons

Project Member(s): McNevin, D.

Funding or Partner Organisation: Australian Federal Police
Australian Federal Police

Start year: 2021

Summary: This project relates to the seconment of Professor Dennis McNevin to the Australian Federal Police National DNA Program for Unidentified & Missing Persons at 0.5 FTE (17.5 hours per week). Duites include: * Leading the research, validation and optimisation of a number of DNA applications forcasework use by the Program, including massively parallel sequencing methods * Assisting with the preparation and publication of Privacy Impact Assessment/s for theabove technologies * Assisting with the preparation and publication of internal validation, procedural and quality documentation for the implementation of the above technologies * Assisting with the development and implementation of best-practice interpretationand reporting guidelines for the above technologies * Assisting with the development and implementation of laboratory informationmanagement system and database applications for the above technologies * Leading the preparation of external scientific publications documenting the research,validation and casework outcomes associated with the Program * Conducting the interpretation, reporting and reviewing of results obtained from theabove technologies * Training Program staff in the above technologies * Supervising AFP-supported postgraduate research students conducting research affiliated with the Program * Representing the Program in relevant scientific, academic and industry forums * Identifying research and development opportunities the Program could leverage toenhance Program outcomes

FOR Codes: Justice and the Law, Community Service (excl. Work), Forensic biology, Anthropological genetics , Community services