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RACE for 2030 Industry Scholarship: Fast-track to net zero carbon buildings (Round 2)

Project Member(s): Tian, H., Berry, A.

Funding or Partner Organisation: Race for 2030 Limited (Race for 2030 Limited CRC)
Race for 2030 Limited (Race for 2030 Limited CRC)
Buildings Alive Pty Ltd
Buildings Alive Pty Ltd

Start year: 2022

Summary: Research into dynamic Net Zero Carbon (NZC) strategies for commercial buildings is urgently required, with the goal that buildings should integrate with the supply system as network assets and operate carbon free 24/7. Large commercial, residential and institutional buildings have significant energy storage potential which may be addressed at scale to both increase demand on electricity networks during times of low demand (and low wholesale price and low carbon intensity) and add capacity during times of high demand (and high price and high carbon intensity). This active efficiency opportunity is poorly understood by policy makers, planners and building practitioners, there are significant gaps in the literature and there have been very few field studies. Building owners, occupiers, network operators and electricity retailers all stand to benefit greatly if this ‘built in system capacity’ can be better understood and actively addressed by utilizing emerging ICT. The research will draw upon a large (and constantly updating) database of meter, weather and IoT data from hundreds of commercial and institutional buildings across Australia and internationally and significantly advance recently published work.

FOR Codes: Commercial Energy Conservation and Efficiency, Application Software Packages (excl. Computer Games), Modelling and simulation, Planning and decision making, Data engineering and data science, Deep learning, Electrical energy transmission, networks and systems, Electrical energy storage, Commercial energy efficiency, Application software packages