3D sensing with deep learning to estimate lean meat yield of beef cattle
Project Member(s): Alempijevic, A., Vidal Calleja, T.
Funding or Partner Organisation: Food Agility CRC Limited (Food Agility CRC)
Food Agility CRC Limited (Food Agility CRC)
Start year: 2021
Summary: This is a Food Agility scholarship for Mohammad Okour.
Okour, M, Falque, R, Vidal-Calleja, T & Alempijevic, A 1970, 'Sim2real Cattle Pose Prediction in 3D pointclouds', Australasian Conference on Robotics and Automation, ACRA, Australasian Conference on Robotics and Automation, ARAA, Brisbane, Australia, pp. 1-8.
FOR Codes: Field robotics, Intelligent robotics, Beef Cattle