Decision Engine to Support the Path to Net Zero
Project Member(s): Hossain, J.
Funding or Partner Organisation: Race for 2030 Limited (Race for 2030 Limited CRC)
Race for 2030 Limited (Race for 2030 Limited CRC)
Start year: 2022
Summary: Industries and businesses play a crucial role in Australia in navigating a path to net-zero emissions. A transition towards net zero world needs strategic planning, appropriate investment in technology and introduction of new product and processes for the business world. In this proposal, we aim to design a platform as a Proof of Concept to explore the requirements of businesses and organisations seeking a path to net zero and elicit the research and data requirements needed to enable consistent, globally-informed optimal path planning. As articulated in Curtin Net Zero initiative, we aim to describe the bigger picture well enough that every individual understands their place in it and how they are contributing to its emergence while at the same time creating an artefact that gives people looking in the same understanding.
FOR Codes: Renewable energy not elsewhere classified, Electrical energy generation (incl. renewables, excl. photovoltaics)