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Robust cement-based sensors for smart automation in future infrastructure

Funding: 2023: $226,848
2024: $242,534
2025: $243,205
2026: $206,997

Project Member(s): Li, W.

Funding or Partner Organisation: Australian Research Council (ARC Future Fellowships)
Australian Research Council (ARC Future Fellowships)

Start year: 2023

Summary: Infrastructural health monitoring is a core part of managing built assets. The project aims to develop intrinsic cement-based sensors with integrated self-sensing and hydrophobicity, and to optimise their robustness and resilience. The cement-based sensors are expected to more accurately assess the health of infrastructure and decrease the costs of intervention and maintenance strategies through enhanced piezoresistivity and durability and to provide insights into self-sensing, hydrophobicity, structural health evaluation and traffic detection. The outcomes should improve predictions of infrastructure performance and service, with major reductions in asset management costs through significantly more efficient maintenance and rehabilitation.

FOR Codes: Cement and concrete materials, Cement products and concrete materials, Construction materials, Structural engineering