Big temporal graph processing in the Cloud
Funding: 2023: $50,000
2024: $50,000
2025: $60,000
Project Member(s): Zhang, Y.
Funding or Partner Organisation: Australian Research Council (ARC Discovery Projects)
Australian Research Council (ARC Discovery Projects)
Start year: 2023
Summary: This project aims to develop efficient and scalable algorithms to process big temporal graphs in the Cloud. In particular, we will investigate three most representative types of queries over big temporal graphs including vertex-based queries, path-based queries, and subgraph-based queries. Expected outcomes of this project include theoretical foundations and scalable algorithms to process big temporal graphs as well as a system prototype for evaluation and to demonstrate the practical value. Success in this project should see significant benefits for many important applications such as cybersecurity, e-commerce, health and road networks.
FOR Codes: Data models, storage and indexing, Graph, social and multimedia data, Query processing and optimisation, Information systems, Electronic information storage and retrieval services