Modernise geotechnical investigation and analysis with machine learning
Project Member(s): Pradhan, B., He, X., Sheng, D.
Funding or Partner Organisation: Australian Research Council (ARC Discovery Projects)
Australian Research Council (ARC Discovery Projects)
Start year: 2023
Summary: The project aims to address ineffectiveness associated with risk analysis of geotechnical systems by reducing variabilities and by rigorously quantifying such variabilities. It expects to generate new knowledge in machine-learning-aided risk analysis and in virtual modelling of multiphase-multiphysics-multiscale problems involving random variables. Expected outcomes are datasets and computer tools that are equipped with new functionalities including parameter optimisation, uncertainty quantification, machine-learning based surrogate models and risk analysis. These tools will help to bridge the increasing gap between academic research and engineering practice, transform geo-risk analysis and optimise complex construction processes.
FOR Codes: Civil geotechnical engineering , Civil construction design