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Investigation into the mitigation of tunnel reverberation noise

Project Member(s): Oberst, S.

Funding or Partner Organisation: Sydney Metro (Sydney Metro Contract Research)
Sydney Metro (Sydney Metro Contract Research)

Start year: 2023

Summary: This proposal describes the collaborative research by UTS team and Sydney Metro about investigating into mitigation of noise in metro tunnels using acoustic materials. The project is based on current engineering challenges of reducing the noise level in tunnels and inside train carriages to meet the standard level. Currently, tunnel linings, including acoustic tiles, of up to 1.2 meters are installed; however, this is insufficient to meet the standard noise level, as discussed in details in the proposal. We propose using viscoelastic materials for sound absorption and investigating the optimal height for applying them in a tunnel, obtained from a multi-physics computer model. The findings of this project can provide a solution in terms of an alternative acoustic absorbing material for reducing the noise level and the costs of installing/applying of the additional linings for Sydney Metro.

FOR Codes: Urban rail infrastructure and networks (incl. light and metro rail), Acoustics and noise control (excl. architectural acoustics), Acoustics and acoustical devices; waves, Fluid-structure interaction and aeroacoustics